
If you follow me on Twitter @weirdscience2 you will see (daily) striking images - and startling scientific anomalies from my very extensive database (collected over 40 years) culled from periodicals from the 17th century to the present. Here below are some representative examples

This (below) is an image of a whale's "tongue" (through which it filters the plankton), taken from The Wide World Magazine, Vol XXXIV, 1914, page 483.  

PARROT ATTACKS!!!  Large flocks of parrots can sometimes attack a human, and kill them. Hard to believe? This (below) is part of an article from The Wide World Magazine,  August 1963,  vol. 131, no. 779, page 76. 

An article (below) in Chamber's Journal, July 28th, 1866, p. 479, discusses a paper - Deaths by Lightning, presented to The Academy of Sciences, Paris, by M. Boudin. Surprising results of his investigations! 

This (below) is from The New Penny Magazine, no. 162, Vol. XIII, p. 213. 

Below is an excerpt from an article in Household Words, March 1st, 1902, p. 121, entitled Tallest Man on Earth - (Edward Beaupre 10 feet 11 inches tall!

I have just read the following on Quora. If it is actually true, it is an extraordinary and anomalous fact!

"Baboons are routinely targeting lions for extermination. The lions are dangerous predators of primates. To counter the problem, baboons adopted a tactic of snatching and killing their cubs to control the population of lions. The behaviour is highly social, with groups of baboons assembled to distract their parents, to find and kill numerous cubs simultaneously." This post comes with the following image:-